
senanglah kalau cakap
Cuba buat

Senang lah cakap aku relaks , senang lah cakap aku main main .
Cuba letak diri tu dalam diri aku . Cuba sekali je rasa perasaan aku. 
Cuba rasa penderitaan aku .

Oh engkau je tahu kecut perut.  Habis aku menangis kau tak tahu aku kecut perut kau tak pernah nak kisah .

Sabar lah .
Jangan push aku macam ni .
Aku bukan robot .
Aku bukan macam orang lain , fokus , tak banyak main , dapat sekali kekal dalam kepala , cepat hafal , rajin .
Tak !
Aku lain
Aku bodoh , lembab , suka main , tak fokus .
Faham tak kelemahan aku .

Aku tak suka push push macam ni .


Have you ever like sometimes these kind of sensitive emotional just like bump you out of nowhere , well because i do .

and i am currently having this emotional

Have you ever felt wanted to love and be loved ? And sometimes you get all this goosebumps things , the heartbreak from seeing all those happy couple .

I know , im only 17 and shouldnt be talking about this thing but hey i have feelings too !

See , sometimes you want to fast forward this life to a phase where you meet a great guy , have a great life with him , get married having kids and spending all of your life with him . But then , something stop you from this imagination and gets you back to a real life . Where you have to go through , i must say a lot of obstacles where you have to finish your studies to a higher level and work . After the phase of being a student and a worker.  Then its the time for a wife and full time mother .

We have to get a good grades , have a good job , have a good pay , and good life (im sorry good is overused word)

It takes time kids , it does.

So stop with the fairytale and start working on your real life . And also be happy

A great man will find his great girl and you are a great girl , honey .

Lots of love,